Saturday, January 7, 2017

First Month

I wont be uploading a whole bunch for this month. Just two things really. I have learned a lot about blender and my understanding has obviously increased greatly since day one. However, there are still many things I have left to learn. I would share more stuff, but a lot of it has simply been means to an end in understanding certain aspects so it's not really worth showing.

Going into the next month I think the main focus will be really applying the knowledge I have acquired, tightening up the loose ends, and trying to bring all the pieces together to create working production quality pieces. I'm not quite their yet, but I think I am closing in on it.

Small update, but between the holidays, removing my wisdom teeth, and just trying to absorb the concept of blender, there isnt too much to show. Next month will yield more tangible results insha allah.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Next tutorial project is done. The space shooter one.

So I made the same game as Kevin did down below here. Have been studying some coding lately, and want to rebuild the game and use different assets. Maybe try to make a game where you control a pirate ship shooting barrels or something like that instead. Will need to do some research on the coding of the different assets though. I will keep you updated.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The game I made following the tutorial... Getting there..

Please use the fullscreen button bottom right to actually play the game, as the blogger thingy doesnt really support it...